


Membrin is specially formulated to support the overall cognitive function of the brain. Aging is the most significant factor! It leads to changes in brain processing, especially an ability of self-expression, re-calling particular event or organization of thoughts and also connectivity among neurons via neuron-transmitters. Many factors contribute to brain cognitive health as a lifestyle, nutritional deficiency, free-radical damage, or also emotional stress.

Membrin is formulated by a unique blend of vinpocetine and also Ginko Biloba, which increases the flow of blood in cerebral. It decreases excitotoxicity and free-radical damage. It exhibits phosphodiesterase, which is beneficial to improve memory. Membrin provides multi-dimensional support for cognitive health via nutrients like acetylcholine and also huperzine A.

Suggested Use:
One capsule of Membrin daily is recommended, or as prescribed by your health care practitioner.